Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cough and Cold Medicine: What Effects Can Come from Their Misuse

Lately in the news, medical professionals and pharmacists alike have urged parents to stop administering cough and cold medication to their children for use of causing drowsiness in situations such as long plane rides. Other reports have even suggested that cough and cold medication is irrelevant in children under a certain age. Cough and Cold medications don't just effect children; all consumers, whether young or old have the potential of misuse.

Often people wonder, "Which medicine do I choose?" These are the people that stand on the medicine aisle in the grocery store just picking up different medicine boxes and reading ONLY the font. Rarely, people actually see what is in the medicine they do decide to use.

One way of misuse is taking more than one medication at a time with the same ingredients, as with acetaminophen (one of the many ingredients found in cough/cold medications). Today, there are many medications that have the same ingredients in them. While taking tablets with acetaminophen to help with pain relief, you would not want to also take cough medicine with acetaminophen in it. This can be dangerous because it may lead to liver damage and/or toxicity.

Another common misuse of cough and cold medication commonly seen in teenagers, is using the OTC drug to get high. This is very dangerous since one of the most common ingredients in modern day cough and cold medicine is dextromethorphan (DXM). DXM is a very safe substance when used at the recommended dosage, which comes on the labels. It is only when the body gets too much DXM, either purposely or by accident, is when it becomes a problem. DXM overdose side effects can include nausea/vomiting, uncontrolled muscle spasms, irregular heart rate, hallucinations, liver damage, and even death.

No matter which way cough and cold medication is misused, everyone would be better off having education about the medicines we purchase and bring into our homes.

Sources: http://video.aol.com/video-detail/cold-medicine-misuse-reported-at-parkrose-high/2396929716 http://kidshealth.org/parent/h1n1_center/h1n1_center_treatment/cough_cold_medicine_abuse.html http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0601/p03s01-ussc.html http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSN0959471820080109

Below is a recent news story covering the misuse of cough and cold OTC medications at a high school:


  1. This only addresses that it is unsafe if the two medications you're taking have the same active ingredient. Does that mean that if they have different ingredients that it's not as harmful or not harmful at all?
    What kinds of effects can happen if two cold/cough medicines are taken that have two different active ingredients?

  2. all this info is really helpful thanks!

  3. i've notice at stores they card you if you are buying cold medicine.
    that's crazy someone found out that if you take too much you can get hallucinations. I think if teens new more of the other side effects like nausea/vomiting, uncontrolled muscle spasms, irregular heart rate, ect. they would think twice about "getting high"
    this was very infromative, thank you!

  4. This information was really helpful. I did not know there were so many over the counter drugs with the same ingrediants. This information will allow me to be more cautious! Thanks!

  5. WOW! You have a point there. I wasn't aware of this! It was very helpful information.

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