This blog is so full of information, that we have created a wrap up post to help our readers get the main points of it all:
1)Whether you are reading from a health care professionals prospective, or a student trying to avoid myths about over the counter medications, this blog discusses the processes of Sleeping Aids, Tagament, and Cough/Cold medications and how they work in the human body, allowing you to see just how a certain OTC medication might affect you. Make sure to note what take home points are best for you, whether you are a nurse or a patient.
2) Drugs such as creams/ointments, and herbals are considered OTC drugs, even though they are often overlooked. Safety with these forms of a drug also need to be considered.
3)Now more than ever, men and women of all ages are using sleeping aids to help them through hard times. One of the biggest mistakes a user of this over the counter drug can make is taking a second dose before the first kicks in. Note the "take home points" for both the general public, and nurse.
4)Tagamet in the elderly is so commonly used, many would not even realize it is for occasional use only. The process of how Tagamet works on the body may be lengthy and slightly difficult to understand; but as this blog states, the consequences, such as worsening existing conditions, is a big red flag that this over-the-counter medication should be taken seriously.
5)Cough and cold medications are popping up everywhere as the cold season hits this year, so learning that you can not mix a cough/cold medication with any other medication containing acetaminophen is a crucial point for readers to understand. Unfortunately though, cough and cold abuse is predominant in mainly high school aged kids no matter what time of year, as is seen in the video clip.
1)Whether you are reading from a health care professionals prospective, or a student trying to avoid myths about over the counter medications, this blog discusses the processes of Sleeping Aids, Tagament, and Cough/Cold medications and how they work in the human body, allowing you to see just how a certain OTC medication might affect you. Make sure to note what take home points are best for you, whether you are a nurse or a patient.
2) Drugs such as creams/ointments, and herbals are considered OTC drugs, even though they are often overlooked. Safety with these forms of a drug also need to be considered.
3)Now more than ever, men and women of all ages are using sleeping aids to help them through hard times. One of the biggest mistakes a user of this over the counter drug can make is taking a second dose before the first kicks in. Note the "take home points" for both the general public, and nurse.
4)Tagamet in the elderly is so commonly used, many would not even realize it is for occasional use only. The process of how Tagamet works on the body may be lengthy and slightly difficult to understand; but as this blog states, the consequences, such as worsening existing conditions, is a big red flag that this over-the-counter medication should be taken seriously.
5)Cough and cold medications are popping up everywhere as the cold season hits this year, so learning that you can not mix a cough/cold medication with any other medication containing acetaminophen is a crucial point for readers to understand. Unfortunately though, cough and cold abuse is predominant in mainly high school aged kids no matter what time of year, as is seen in the video clip.
Photo source: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://dangersofpolypharmacy.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/polypharm1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://dangersofpolypharmacy.wordpress.com/2008/10/14/what-is-polypharmacy/&usg=__0FR9b8_9Ghzi8JyBlOXoVAGrqzc=&h=500&w=500&sz=178&hl=en&start=35&um=1&tbnid=dOnrT8L-6i62dM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Delderly%2Btagamet%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7DKUS_en%26sa%3DN%26start%3D21%26um%3D1